A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2074

Chapter 2074


She had suffered a lot for so long to get here. Finally, she had an opportunity.

Mark must be very uncomfortable right now, eager to find a woman to release his sexual urges. All she needed to do was to trick him into having sex with her. She was at the stage where she could easily be impregnated. If they had sex tonight, she would definitely have his child.

Once that happened, she would soon be Mrs. Evans.

In the bathroom, Mark turned on the cold water and desperately washed his body.

Even though his body temperature had dropped slightly, he knew that a simple cold shower wouldn’t be enough.

Either a woman would show up to take advantage of his vulnerability or he needed a medicine to alleviate his current state.

With the typhoon raging outside, it would take some time for the doctors to arrive. Going to the hospital was also not an option.

While Mark was in heat, all he wanted to hear was Cecilia’s voice.

If only he could hear it, he would feel much better.

He leaned his back against the corner of the bathroom wall as cold water poured over him. He took his phone from the wash basin and dialed Cecilia’s number.

The phone rang several times.

After a while, Cecilia picked up the phone and asked in a soft tone, “Mark? Why are you calling me again? Do you want to talk to the children?”

Mark closed his eyes and listened intently to her voice.

After a while, he replied in a hoarse voice, “I just want to hear your voice.”

Cecilia’s brows furrowed. Since she didn’t know how unwell he was, she agreed to his request and talked about what had just happened to Olivia earlier.


As she spoke, Mark listened like he was in a trance.

Slowly, the pain eased and slipped away from his body.

Finally, he took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice, “Cecilia, I miss you so much.”

Hearing this, Cecilia smiled.

“I miss you, too.

Mark didn’t want her to worry. Just before he could hang up the phone, the bathroom door swung open.

There, a scantily clad woman stood.

It was none other than Elaine.

Although Mark still felt hot all over his body, he had a better control of his mind. With narrowed eyes, he asked, “Were you the one who did it? Get out! If you don’t, I’ll make you regret ever being born in this world!”

